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Dayton Kappas Among Dayton's Best

Two Brothers of the Dayton Alumni Chapter were recognized earlier this year by Parity, Inc. as being among the Top 10 African-American Males in Dayton for 2013.  Parity’s Top 10 Award recognizes African American males that have made a significant contribution and paved a brighter pathfor African Americans within the greater Dayton, Ohio community.  This is a great honor and underscores the leadership of Kappa Alpha Psi in the Dayton community.  

bennettProfessor Jack Bennett has used his talents and resources to improve the well-being of African Americans in the Dayton community. He currently serves as the Chairperson of the English Department of Sinclair Community College. He is well known at Sinclair for his dedication to mentoring students, recruiting quality faculty, and leading initiatives which provide leadership and employment opportunities for minorities.


johnsonDwight L. Johnson is a Business Development Consultant with the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce—Minority Business Partnership Program. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Central State University, Finance Master of Business Administration degree from Xavier University, and a graduate of the United States (U.S.) Army Command and General Staff College. Dwight is a distinguished U.S. Army Vietnam veteran and was awarded a Bronze Star Medal.

Congratulations Brothers and thank you for demonstrating achievement throughout the Dayton area and beyond!

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